Health questionnaire requirement for Mexico Travel

The Mexican civil aviation, health, and transportation departments require all Passengers traveling to and from Mexico to download the Vuela Seguro app and complete the obligatory health questionnaire prior to departure.

Fly Safe is the new web platform of the Mexican airline industry that controls health risks at airports and airplanes. It is a way to protect yourself and your companions from CoViD-19 and other risks before, during and after flying.

All passengers coming from abroad to any of the Mexican airports must fill out the Health Questionnaire Via the Vuela Seguro website (, either upon arrival in the country or up to 12 hours before their flight. All boarding pass passengers must fill out their questionnaire, regardless of age or nationality.

The Health Questionnaire can be filled out up to 12 hours before your flight. If you try to do it before that period of time, the system will not allow you to complete it. This responds to the objective of having more reliable and timely data when traveling.

No Mobile Device?
Don’t worry. You must complete the Health Questionnaire electronically (it no longer exists on paper) with the help of airport or airline personnel. Once you have checked in at your airline’s counter, go to the nearest airport assistance module at least 30 minutes in advance so they can help you complete your Assisted Health Questionnaire. Then you can go through the usual security filters.